Solution to Housekeeping
Discover how easy it can be to manage cleaning, maintenance and reports for your hotel — all within one housekeeping app.

and get a free one-month trial
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The Light-Weight Housekeeping Solution for Hotels
Roomgrid helps you regain control over your operations. With its role based focus, Roomgrid adapts to your employees' needs, making it simpler and more efficient than ever to satisfy your guests with rooms in perfect shape.
Your Advantages with Roomgrid
See the status of each room in real-time.
Let cleaners and checkers update rooms with on tap.
Automatically assign your cleaners und checkers to all your dirty rooms.

Let your team report defects as soon as they spot them.
Assign defects to technicians and track their progress.
Gain valuable insights: Who cleaned which room and when? How many rooms needed a second cleaning?
Never argue with external providers again.

Book Your Free Demo Now
Write us at info@roomgrid.io to schedule an appointment for a free demo without any obligations. Our team is happy to answer all of your questions!
You may also receive a test account with which you can use Roomgrid one month for free.
Meet the Team
Roomgrid is being developed by icecreek, a startup near Munich, Germany, that was founded in 2019. Learn more ...